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Bet šodien mazas pārdomas, par situāciju, par īpašuma nodokli, par to "kā nav". Svētku izpratne, apkārtējā noskaņa, un sajūta, pašu un ko citiem vari dot, ir dziedējoša, ja to jūti no sirds, no "iekšām" ... :)

Tas pats "in rutube"

5 komentāri:

adam scott teica...

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Anonīms teica...

Epson Error Code 0xf1 is one of the most common errors that can take place due to a corrupted

registry entry in your system. If your Epson printer is encountering ‘0xf1 Epson Error Code’,

print head will be unable to perform its normal function. To fix Epson error code

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baroncorrz teica...

Thanks for sharing this post , We are a reliable and independent third party tech support provider, working independently for Epson printer users to provide them quick support for any issues. If you’re facing Epson error code 0x97 again and again, you can get connected with our live technicians to get unlimited technical support or help.

Mark Watson teica...

To find Router IP address, you are expected to follow and apply few important instructions. First of all, you are supposed to right click on the start button and then you should select command prompt and then on the command prompt window, you are supposed to enter ipconfig and then press enter and then the numbers would be indicated on the default Gateway section is your router’s IP address. By applying the steps, you can simply find out the ways to fix it.

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